Having just posted my previous message about the WebDialog and WebDateChooser, I thought I would try the WebDialog with a WebCombo.
I again created a simple web page with a single button to display the WebDialog. In the WebDialog I placed a WebCombo bound to an SQLDataSource linked to a single table with three columns.
Clicking the button displays the WebDialog and the WebCombo. Clicking the drop down for the WebCombo appears to do nothing, but closing the WebDialog leaves the drop down portion of the WebCombo displayed.
Click the selection in the drop down and it disappears. Then again click the button to bring up the WebDialog, and the WebCombo is showing the selection you have just made.
Note that I have tried placing a standard dropdownlist control on the WebDialog, and this works just fine !!!
Will I have the same problems with all Infragistic controls that have some form of drop down ?
Surely someone tried basic testing such as this before releasing the latest version.
I await comments.
I have just tried the same experiment but instead using a UltraWebMenu control in the WebDialog.
Again the menu control does not display any of the drop down sub menus.
Just when I thought that the WebDialog would solve many of my problems !!
function pageLoad(args){
$IG.DialogMoveBehavior.prototype._doZ=function(lid, elem, lidZ){ this._newZ = this._oldZ = $util.getStyleValue(null, 'zIndex', elem); if(!lidZ) lidZ = $util.toInt($util.getStyleValue(null, 'zIndex', lid), 0); if(lidZ < 10) lid.style.zIndex = lidZ = 100; //z-index will default to 100 in a modal scenario if($util.toInt(this._oldZ, 0) <= lidZ) elem.style.zIndex = this._newZ = lidZ + 1; return lidZ;};
this method is working in IE but not in firefox, and have some problems as well, when i have used a webgrid column with webtextedit for edit control and i have put event onlick to get the dialogbox, but textedit still on top of windowdialog but when i click on dialog textbox disapear, need to solve this two problems
It sounds like your issue is likely going to require a repro case to be set up. I would recommend you take this through the more formal support channel by submitting an incident online which can be tracked, etc. You can do that through http://es.infragistics.com/gethelp using the Ask For Help link.
this Script only work with IE, but not in FF, i have enabled Modal="True". but when Modal is not enable controls work fine. what is the fix for this script to work with FF
Hi Tony,
i have fix the problem with FF by changething the if(lidZ <= 99999) now the script is working for both IE and FF
function pageLoad(args){ $IG.DialogMoveBehavior.prototype._doZ= function(lid, elem, lidZ) { this._newZ = this._oldZ = $util.getStyleValue(null, 'zIndex', elem); if(!lidZ) lidZ = $util.toInt($util.getStyleValue(null, 'zIndex', lid), 0); if(lidZ <= 99999) { lid.style.zIndex = lidZ = 101; //z-index will default to 100 in a modal scenario } if($util.toInt(this._oldZ, 0) <= lidZ) { elem.style.zIndex = parseInt(this._newZ = lidZ + 1); } return lidZ; }; }
Glad to hear you got this working.