Hi, I'm using the following controls in my 9.2 application using the Harvest AppStyle:
<ig:WebDatePicker ID="dtStart" runat="server">
<ig:WebNumericEditor ID="nmTrack" runat="server" DataMode="Int"><Buttons SpinButtonsDisplay="OnRight"></Buttons></ig:WebNumericEditor>
The images (e.g. igmc_nextPress.gif, igte_lowerHover.gif, igte_CustomHover.gif) for the arrows/backgrounds are missing from the /ig_res/Harvest/images/ directory. Where can I download them?
I have the same problem, in the 2009.2 setup are not included this image. Where we can find them?
Same issue with 2010.2.
Come on folks - it should NOT be such a PITA to use these controls.