I use actually Ajax.Updater from Prototype.js to change Div which contain an ultraChart that work but the Problem ist the Tooltips, if the ultraChart is changing, the Tooltips didnt Work, i am getting "undefined" or some Tooltips from preceed ultraChart.
some solutions ? Please i need it urgently
<div class="csc-textpic csc-textpic-intext-right-nowrap"> <a href="#" onclick="BLOCKED SCRIPTProductToCompany()" title=" PDF exportieren" class="pdfExport"> </a><%= Html.DropDownList("DistributionProductToCompany", (IEnumerable<SelectListItem>)ViewData["KeywordGroups"], new { onchange = "DistributionProductToCompanyChange();" })%> </div> <div id="DistributionProductToCompanyContent"> <igchart:UltraChart ID="UCDistributionProductToCompany" runat="server"> <ClientSideEvents ClientOnMouseClick="BarStacked_ClientOnMouseClick" /> </igchart:UltraChart> <cc1:IGMvcScriptManager ID="IGMvcScriptManager5" runat="server" /> </div>
on Dropdown onchange i call a javascript Function with Ajax.Updater and change the div: DistributionProductToCompanyContent with another ultrachart (and for this new chart, the tooltips doesnt work)
Thank very much
i received your project, AjaxUpdater.zip, and got it running. i see how there is a problem, but we will need more time to determine a solution.
i entered a bug report for you, # 22965. you can contact Infragistics Developer Support at any time to find out what the status of this bug is.
the underlying problem is that the Change.aspx chart's initialize function is never called, despite it being rendered to the output stream.
if you change the ID of the chart on Change.aspx, you will find that no tooltips are displayed at all once the change is made.
you can email the attachment to support@infragistics.com, just put my name in the subject line.
I delete some file that is why you couldn't get this project to build. How can i attach a project big then 200 Kb (around 5 MB) or is it sufficient to attach the dll File?
i couldn't get this project to build unfortunately. it seems to be missing the AjaxUpdater.csproj file for the web project, which the solution points to. when i tried to load the AjaxUpdater folder as a web site, there were several build errors.
hello David,
You can in my sample project in which way i change the chart and see that ToolTips is always from preceed / first Chart.