I use actually Ajax.Updater from Prototype.js to change Div which contain an ultraChart that work but the Problem ist the Tooltips, if the ultraChart is changing, the Tooltips didnt Work, i am getting "undefined" or some Tooltips from preceed ultraChart.
some solutions ? Please i need it urgently
<div class="csc-textpic csc-textpic-intext-right-nowrap"> <a href="#" onclick="BLOCKED SCRIPTProductToCompany()" title=" PDF exportieren" class="pdfExport"> </a><%= Html.DropDownList("DistributionProductToCompany", (IEnumerable<SelectListItem>)ViewData["KeywordGroups"], new { onchange = "DistributionProductToCompanyChange();" })%> </div> <div id="DistributionProductToCompanyContent"> <igchart:UltraChart ID="UCDistributionProductToCompany" runat="server"> <ClientSideEvents ClientOnMouseClick="BarStacked_ClientOnMouseClick" /> </igchart:UltraChart> <cc1:IGMvcScriptManager ID="IGMvcScriptManager5" runat="server" /> </div>
on Dropdown onchange i call a javascript Function with Ajax.Updater and change the div: DistributionProductToCompanyContent with another ultrachart (and for this new chart, the tooltips doesnt work)
Thank very much
i'm not sure what is happening here, but most likely the javascript initialization of the new chart is failing. may i see the javascript function and whatever code is related to changing the div content?
also, do you receive any javascript error messages in your browser window?
The Javascript use the Ajax.Updater Function of Prototype and use like on this Site : http://weblogs.asp.net/jigardesai/archive/2008/01/26/Simple-AJAX-Get-Request-using-ASP.NET-MVC-and-Prototype.aspx
function UpdateContainer()
new Ajax.Updater('CompanyChartContent', '/Home/UpdateCompanyChart?Value=' + dropdownValue, { method: 'get' });
CompanyChartContent ist the initial Div Contain with following Chart : <div id="CompanyChartContent"> <igchart:UltraChart ID="ultraChart1" runat="server"> <ClientSideEvents ClientOnMouseClick="Chart_ClientOnMouseClick" /> </igchart:UltraChart> <cc1:IGMvcScriptManager ID="IGMvcScriptManager" runat="server" /> </div>
the UpdateCompanyChart Page contain the same Code below but just ultraChart1 is render with new data. It work fine, just the Tooltips are from the preceed Chart.
it sounds like the image is updated, but not the ImageMap or the JavaScript.
have you tried using the Infragistics WebAsyncRefreshPanel? i think you will have better results with this.
I use actually asp.net mvc, and 1) it is not possible to get an DropdownList Event on server-side (OnSelectionChange). 2) i try to use use WebAsyncRefreshPanel but the div tag ist not refresh and if i do via javascript all the page is refresh not just the Div tag which i expect to refresh. i will be happy about any suggestion.
Thanks David
the above links are to a sample which uses the chart in a WebAsyncRefreshPanel; there is no full page refresh.
i would also be happy to take a look at your sample project if you have one and see what's happening there.
hello David,
You can in my sample project in which way i change the chart and see that ToolTips is always from preceed / first Chart.
i couldn't get this project to build unfortunately. it seems to be missing the AjaxUpdater.csproj file for the web project, which the solution points to. when i tried to load the AjaxUpdater folder as a web site, there were several build errors.
I'd like to inform you that both bugs 22965 and 58592 are now fixed and the NA Chart for ASP.NET is working well with pure ajax calls and subsequent DOM update.
If you are using the prototypejs Ajax.Updater the option "evalScripts:true" should be specified as the default behavior is to ignore the scripts.
i was able to reproduce this problem, so i have logged a bug report for it. the bug number is 58592. please feel free to contact Infragistics Developer Support or post back here at any time to inquire about the status of this bug report.
Thanks for your response, unfortunately, the new release did not fix the problem
Here is a sample project to reproduce the problem
The crosshair and tooltip will stop working after the ajax postpack when you click on the button
22965 is still unresolved, although there have been fixes made related to ASP.NET AJAX, so testing with the latest service release is probably a good idea.
if you have steps to reproduce or a sample project, i can see if the issue you're experiencing is related to the issue in this thread.
What that bug ever fix? I'm having the same problem with web ultra charts using ajax (not the NA refreshpanel). The charts are rendering fine but the tooltip is of the initital post and the crosshair gives a js error