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Websplitter divider not visible.


    I am using Infragistics (v. 9.1) WebSplitter control in my application. I've 2 panes in the WebSplitter control. The application has been hosted on an internal web server. When I run the application from the server, I'm not able to see the divider between the two panes. Though I'm able to slide the divider on either sides but the slider image is not visible. Can you please suggest what could be the problem? I'm not able to find out the cause for the same.


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  • 24497

    Hi Anuj,

    I do not know what is wrong. The best I can do is give you few suggestions to test which may help to find the reason for misbehavior.
    1. Try to create a temporary page which has splitter with default setting (no global or custom css, etc).
    I expect it will show correctly.
    2. Increase complexity of that splitter by adding its content and test again
    3. If original splitter is located in container (divs, tables, etc), then build similar structure in that temporary test aspx.
    4. If there are global/custom css classes, then add them 1 by one.

    Eventually you may find what is wrong.
