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WebHtmlEditor Loses value on postback

I have a WebHtmlEditor in a contentpage, when I 1st load the page this is the html for WebHtmlEditor:

<DIV style="WIDTH: 100%; FONT-FAMILY: sans-serif; HEIGHT: 100%; FONT-SIZE: 10pt; layout: layout-grid: both fixed 12px 12px" id=ctl00_ctl00_cphBody_cphBody_fvHardship_tabsItems_tabHardInfo_AdditionalInformationLabel_tw contentEditable=true align=left _oldE="true" content="false">
<P>test add some more text and some more</P>
<P>and more</P></DIV>

After I do a postback the text is gone and the html changes to:

<DIV style="WIDTH: 100%; FONT-FAMILY: sans-serif; HEIGHT: 100%; FONT-SIZE: 10pt" id=ctl00_ctl00_cphBody_cphBody_fvHardship_tabsItems_tabHardInfo_AdditionalInformationLabel_tw align=left></DIV>

<input name="ctl00_ctl00_cphBody_cphBody_fvHardship_tabsItems_tabHardInfo_AdditionalInformationLabel_t_a" id="ctl00_ctl00_cphBody_cphBody_fvHardship_tabsItems_tabHardInfo_AdditionalInformationLabel_t_a" type="hidden" value="%3CP%3Etest add some more text and some more%3C/P%3E
%3CP%3Eand more%3C/P%3E"/>

Notice the <p> are gone, now if I do a refresh the text is back.....Any help is appreciated.

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