I have a WebHtmlEditor in a contentpage, when I 1st load the page this is the html for WebHtmlEditor:
<DIV style="WIDTH: 100%; FONT-FAMILY: sans-serif; HEIGHT: 100%; FONT-SIZE: 10pt; layout: layout-grid: both fixed 12px 12px" id=ctl00_ctl00_cphBody_cphBody_fvHardship_tabsItems_tabHardInfo_AdditionalInformationLabel_tw contentEditable=true align=left _oldE="true" content="false"><P>test add some more text and some more</P><P>and more</P></DIV>
After I do a postback the text is gone and the html changes to:
<DIV style="WIDTH: 100%; FONT-FAMILY: sans-serif; HEIGHT: 100%; FONT-SIZE: 10pt" id=ctl00_ctl00_cphBody_cphBody_fvHardship_tabsItems_tabHardInfo_AdditionalInformationLabel_tw align=left></DIV>
<input name="ctl00_ctl00_cphBody_cphBody_fvHardship_tabsItems_tabHardInfo_AdditionalInformationLabel_t_a" id="ctl00_ctl00_cphBody_cphBody_fvHardship_tabsItems_tabHardInfo_AdditionalInformationLabel_t_a" type="hidden" value="%3CP%3Etest add some more text and some more%3C/P%3E%3CP%3Eand more%3C/P%3E"/>
Notice the <p> are gone, now if I do a refresh the text is back.....Any help is appreciated.
Did you ever figure out this problem. I have the same issue after upgrading from version 6.1 to version 9.1 of the components. The text is not displayed, and even if hte readonly property is set to false, it's not possible to edit.
the only solution I found was to take the webeditor out of the updatepanel, or find another control that works..kind of sad though..