I try to use the WebScheduleInfo, the WebScheduleSQLClientProvider and the WebMonthView. I created a SQLDataSource on my page. I set my SQL string connection to the WebScheduleSQLClientProvider. The string connction works for my application but not for the part with the WebSchedule.
The user is David and I have an error on the openning of the database with the user "sa"
Why ?
Do I have forget something ?
The following steps may help,
However if you are using Master Pages it may not be possible for the WebScheduleSqlClientProvider to find the SqlDataSource control (the ID will be mangled), in which case you pass the ConnectionString to the WebScheduleSqlClientProvider directly. The following thread and reply describes calling Connect to do that,
That call needs to go near the start of Page_Load or someplace similarly early in the page lifecycle.
Depending on what the security settings in your connection string are, you may want to consult the SQL Server help topics in this section of the online help for explanations of using impersonation, etc.,
However, I would say that if you are getting an error saying it tried to connect as "sa" then most likely it is trying to establish its default connection because it never received the connection string you're trying to give it (frequently this is because it couldn't find the SqlDataSource on the master page but it could be because the connection string arrives too late, such as after WebSchedule tries to fetch data).
Hi Derek,
Thanks for your answer. I try to set the properties directly in code and it now works.But I have another problem. I've got this error when I save an appointment.
DataProvider Exception adding Activity to database : Nom d'objet 'Resource' non valide
I have no table called "Resource" but mine is called "User" and I don't want to have 2 classes which have the same behaviour.So is it possible to redirect the WebscheduleInfo or WebScheduleSQLClientProvider ton another class ?
Hi Derek
Thanks for your answer. I found the sample "FullPAgeSample" and I set the WebScheduleInfo1.ActiveResourceName. It works.
Thanks a lot.
I go on on my project and I ll come back to you if I have anothers questions.
ptitdave1978 said:I wonder how I can choose a resource and see schedule of another resource. Is it possible with a combo box which contains the list of resources ?
This sample shows just such a combo box,
I believe the ASP.NET samples should be installed beneath either your My Documents\Infragistics folder in Win XP or \Users\Infragistics in Vista so you can examine the source for the WebFeatureBrowser / WebSchedule / FullPageSample.
ptitdave1978 said:
I have no table called "Resource" but mine is called "User" and I don't want to have 2 classes which have the same behaviour.
You can change the stored procedures that access the [Resource] table to access your own [User] table instead. The requirements are an integer ID and a name.
The name will correspond to the WebScheduleInfo ActiveResourceName property of the user whose schedule is being viewed.
The WebSchedule data model avoids having null relationships by using a "default" record with ID -999 to represent an Activity tied to an "Unassigned" resource. Any activity not associated with a resource (or when ActiveResourceName isn't set) is associated with the Unassigned resource.
Other Resource fields like e-mail and preferences are only used by the Windows Service starter kit that sends e-mail reminder notifications.
These stored procedure updates should be straightforward to fit to your table. The WebSchedule data model establishes a relationship from Resources to Activities by using the tie table, [ActivityResource], so some of the Activity stored procedures will need to be updated, too.
Stored procedures that are noted as being "only called by the WebSchedule data provider's administrative API" are not called during normal WebSchedule processing. There are a few convenience methods on the data provider like DeleteResource( ) I think it is, in case you wanted to expose those functions to a superuser. If these APIs aren't used, then stored procedures like Resource_RemByName will not be called and you don't have to worry about any DELETE operations on your Users table if you don't want them.
I succeed to connect but with only one resource. By default I see the schedule of resource "999"
I wonder how I can choose a resource and see schedule of another resource. Is it possible with a combo box which contains the list of resources ?Could you help me to find an issue ?