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Deployment Oddity - Changing Font/Style

On local if you look at the Chart Screen the fonts on the four graphs (Premises etc) look all lovely - in Ariel with a Bold Title at the top.

After uploading these to either the Testing or the Live system, these graphs revert to the default Courier font.

I’ve done a full dump of my dev code (copy/paste of all files) onto Testing in an attempt to see if it’s anything that’s not being transferred over, but this doesn’t appear to be the case.

I’ve searched the forums/google and can find no reference to this issue, bit of a puzzler!

Parents Reply
  • 28496
    Offline posted in reply to Ben

    after some google searching that's the only link i could come up with that seems relevant.

    maybe it is the same font but it looks different due to the SmoothingMode & TextRenderingHint settings on the server machine.  try setting these properties explicitly on the chart control instead of leaving them at their defaults.
