I have three formatting issues:
- Some of my cells contain "<br/>", it displays two rows in the grid as expected, when I import it to PDF, it displays the string "<br/>" . I have tried to use UltraWebGridDocumentExporter.InitializeRow and UltraWebGridDocumentExporter.RowExporting to replace HTML tag with vbNewLine. The PDF document now as two lines but my grid show eveything in one, as if that function is run on grid.load and not when the export fires.
- My grid has a calculated footer with format set to "C", same as some of my columns. When exporting to PDF columns display value properly $0.00 but not the footer: %240.00
-How do I justify or center the header?
I had the same problem as you with my grid's calculated footer. It appears to me that the %24 is some sort of HTML code for the '$' character. I believe this is a bug in the Infragistics suite, but I am not for sure on that. In the meantime, see the below dirty hack that I used to get around this limitation:
This works perfectly for my situation. You might try using the OnCellExporting event to replace your "<br/>" as well. Just a thought.
Hope this works out for you!
Thank you for your reply!
I ran into more issues while saving the report to the database using their stream. When reloading the document to the browser, the bands were gone.
I gave up and used Active Report instead, which really sucks since I've upgraded only for the document exporter feature.