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Using SQL DataSource ?!

Hi, can't seem to get this one working. Here's what I did;

1-Loaded the provided sql file and created a mdf file out of it (everything worked fine)
2-Attached the mdf file to my project, with working connectionstring, etc.
3-Created a blank form with a working sqlDatasource, a webscheduleinfo and finally WebScheduleSqlClientProvider, a webmonthview, all binded together properly of course.

I always get that "provider: Named Pipes Provider, error: 40 - Could not open a connection to SQL Server". If I switch to a WebScheduleOleDbProvider, it will simply ignore my sqldatasource and work with the default access database. Heck, even with an access datasource, it'll ignore it and work with the default database located in my documents folder.

Needless to say I need to work with a sql mdf file. Please let me know how to make all of this work, I tried all day ! Thanks

No Data
  • 995
    Suggested Answer


    To wire all the WebSchedule controls including WebMonthView to the SQL database you will need to do followings:  You should have WebMonthView and WebScheduleInfo controls on your page.

    1.        Create a WebSchedule database. To create this database with the table and required StoredProcedures use the WebSchedule2. sql query file which will be located by default during the installation in following directory:

    C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Documents\Infragistics\NetAdvantage for .NET 200[Year] Vol. [Volume Number] CLR XX\WebSchedule\Data

    2.       Drag and Drop SqlDataSource control to the page and click on the “Configure SqlDataSource” link in the smart tag of the object.

    On the "Choose Your Data Connection" wizard step, either create a new connection string that refers to WebSchedule2 database, or use an existing one. Click Next.

    On the "Configure the Select Statement" wizard step, select the first radio button with text "Specify a custom SQL statement or stored procedure". Click Next.

    On the "Define Custom Statements or Stored Procedures" wizard step, use the SELECT tab and type in ";" in the Sql Statement text. Click on Next. On the "Test Query" wizard step, click on Finish.

    3.       Drag and drop the WebScheduleSqlClientProvider control and set the DataSourceID to the SqlDataSource.ID and WebScheduleInfoID property to the lone WebScheduleInfo object’s ID.

    Once WebScheduleInfo object fetches data with the help of WebScheduleSqlClientProvider, it feeds the activities in the wired WebSchedule controls. The following figure shows you how the WebSchedule controls are connected at a broader level: 

    (WebMonthView, WebDayView, WebWeekView) <-- WebScheduleInfo <-- WebScheduleSqlClientProvider <-- SqlConnection <-- Sql Server Database



