I know this should be simple - but I just cannot fathom it.
I drop a webdrop down onto a page (replacing an exists asp.ddl) configure it to use an ods. It compiles but when I run the app if gives the following error:
"Error: Sys.InvalidOperationException: Object Infragistics already exists and is not a namespace."
Background to app:
I have checked the Bin/webconfig and the page tag references - but they all look ok.
I even tried a new page webdrop + ods +scriptmanager and it crashes on master page but OK on a normal page
Any help/pointers would be appreciated!
Looks like I found it!!
The client script id was generated as "Infragistics" in 9.1 not "igClientScript" as it used too in 8.2 or 8.3......!!!
Hence it is interpreted as a namespace .... crash!
I hope people find this useful!
Thanks very much for your feedback. We are aware of this issue, and we are currently working on it - I suppose the fix should be present in the first hotfix for 2009.1
Thanks again for the valuable input,