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My SplitterBar is invisible

I have a vertical WebSplitter that I create like this:

    <ig:WebSplitter id="splitter" runat="server" Orientation="Vertical" BorderStyle="Inset" Height="580px" >
        <ig:SplitterPane runat="server" size="30%" ScrollBars="Hidden">
            <ignav:UltraWebTree ID="treeWorkflow" runat="server" height="100%" Indentation="20">
              <Margin Left="5px" />
              <NodePaddings Top="2px" />
        <ig:SplitterPane runat="server" size="70%" ScrollBars="Hidden">
            <iframe id="contentFrame" name="contentFrame" runat="server" height="100%" width="100%"></iframe>


It works fine except the SplitterBar is invisible.  It is there.  I can drag it and it works.  It just renders as really thin and white, like the frame's background.  There are no css called .bar*Css so nothing would be changing that.  There is nothing in my c# that changes it on the server either.  Any ideas?



  • 28464


    I think that css classes are missing on client. WebSplitter loads those classes from a local files. In most cases those files are located at the local to project directory ~\ig_res.

    You may look at generated html and search for <link ... href="aPath/ig_res/Default/ig_splitter.css" ..>.

    That will allows you to find which actual aPath is used and if it is accessible by client.

    If you identified that file on server, but you are not sure if it is loaded, then you may try to debug that by temporary adding to that file any custom style and setting that style to any element on page. If element will not pick up that css, then it means that corresponding <link> failed (and dialog will fail too).

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