i am getting error when i am trying to load webhtmleditor, code is breaking at the function below and the line is highlited. popup window says object required
Sys$_ScriptLoader$_loadScriptsInternal() {
(session.scriptsToLoad && session.scriptsToLoad.length > 0) {
nextScript = Array.dequeue(session.scriptsToLoad);
(scriptElement.text && Sys.Browser.agent === Sys.Browser.Safari) {
scriptElement.innerHTML = scriptElement.text;
) {
(headElements.length === 0) {
callback = session.allScriptsLoadedCallback;
(callback) {
This one is very tough to say, since it really depends on the way the control is used / loaded. It also depends on the browser used and many additional settings.
Can you please use the specialized WebHtmlEditor forum for that (this is a general discussions forum) and send us some more information - I am sure it will provide additional clues.
i figured somehing when the webHtmlEditor is in Ajax updatePanel it throws error any ideas.??
It is probably related to a specific application. I tried a website with following aspx and it worked without problems. I also tried to set editor Visible=false and toggle that property on Button1 click. It worked too.
If you can build a simple sample (aspx/cs files) which can be used to reproduce that issus, then please submit a bug report at http://es.infragistics.com/support/ask-for-help.aspx
<asp:ScriptManager ID="ScriptManager1" runat="server"></asp:ScriptManager><asp:UpdatePanel ID="UpdatePanel1" runat="server"> <ContentTemplate> <ighedit:WebHtmlEditor ID="WebHtmlEditor1" runat="server"></ighedit:WebHtmlEditor> <asp:Button ID="Button1" runat="server" Text="Button" /> </ContentTemplate></asp:UpdatePanel>