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Chart Click events
To enable drilldown in charts, how to get started? I have column charts and when the user clicks on of the columns then the next chart with details for that column clicked must load. How do I write events for this ? Thanks
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  • 17605

    You can try using the chart client side events: 

    <igchart:UltraChart ID="UltraChart1" runat="server" ChartType="ScatterChart" >

    <ClientSideEvents ClientOnMouseClick="UltraChart1_ClientOnMouseClick" />


    <script type="text/javascript" id="igClientScript">


    function UltraChart1_ClientOnMouseClick(this_ref, row, column, value, row_label, column_label, evt_type, layer_id)


    //Add code to handle your event here.


    // -->



    In this case you can redirect to a new page that shows next chart.
