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Can't get RowSelectionChanged to fire

I'm a beginner to this control, having just replaced an UltraWebGrid with one.  In general it's much cleaner and easier to use, but I am stuck because I can't figure out how to accomplish this basic feat:

 1) User clicks a row on the WebDataGrid

 2)  I load new content into a tab control that lives in a WARP panel. 

 Basically, it's not obvious to me how exactly the new grid causes server-side events to occur.  I have the following code in the page code-behind:

        protected void gridSearch_RowSelectionChanged(object sender, Infragistics.Web.UI.GridControls.SelectedRowEventArgs e)
            string s = "foo";

 with a breakpoint on the test string assignment.  If I click a row on the client, this never gets called.  What am I missing?  Do I have to handle the client-side event and then call the server?  I've been trying stuff for a full day and Googling and all that good stuff, but I'm stuck.


Help is appreciated :-)

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