I'm trying to create a row edit template in combination with a template field. So I create two columns of which the first is a template column containing a checkbox, binded to a bool in the datasource. This is working perfectly. But when I add a RowEditTemplate, thing go wrong. First of all the template column isn't being created in the default row edit template, so I have to add it manually (as a checkbox) which isn't very difficult. At runtime however the template column is rendered incorrectly *after* the row edit template has been shown. The checkbox contains the correct value, but when I hit the "Ok" button, the value in the template column is replaced by the string "true" or "false" instead of the checkbox.
Is this a bug or I'm doing something wrong?
Are checkboxes now supported in 2009.1?
Nope, still on the list. Please contact the product manager to bump it up:
Sorry no. You can find a sample for using checkboxes in templates here:
Also you can use DataBinder.Eval to bind its selected property.
The check box columns are at the top of our priority list for the next version.
Are they available in 2009.2?
If still not can you provide a sample how to do it using a template?