I have added a javascript function to a custom button in the WebHtmlEditor which adds a logged on users name and the date and time as a time stamp using the insertAtCaret function.
Is there a way to move the caret to the end of the text before doing the insert?
Hi Paul,
The WebHtmlEditor does not use internally similar action and does not have a public function to do that neither.
I have tried using javascript to set cursor position to text end on webhtmleditor focusin event but it alwasy gives me error at the following line [text.createTextRange(); It says undefined], but if i use this with normal textbox it works fine. Please suggest if u have any better solution
function SetCursorToTextEnd() { var editor = iged_getById('<%=panelTo.ClientID%>'); var text = editor._ie ? editor._elem : editor._doc().body; //alert(text.innerText); if (text != null && text.innerText.length > 0) { //if (text.createTextRange) //{ var FieldRange = text.createTextRange(); FieldRange.moveStart('character', text.innerText.length); //FieldRange.moveEnd('character', text.innerText.length); FieldRange.collapse(); FieldRange.select(); //} } }
We are populating SPAN Html controls inside webhtmleditor.
example: webHtmlEditor1.Text = "<span id='I_1' title='Select to Delete.' contentEditable='false' unselectable='true' style='color:#00589F'>Dummy 1</span>;"; etc...