I have an issue with closing a WebDialogWindow using a JS code.
so for showing the dialog, I'm using the following vb.net code:
WebDialogWindow9.WindowState = Infragistics.Web.UI.LayoutControls.DialogWindowState.Normal
the above code works fine, and inside that dialog there is a button called (Cancel), this button suppose to close/hide the WebDialogWindow9, so I'm using this JS code:
function closeDialogs() { var win = window.parent; var dialog = win.$find('WebDialogWindow9');
if (dialog) { dialog.hide(); } }
<igtxt:WebImageButton ID="WebImageButton2" runat="server" Text="Cancel" Width="135px"> <ClientSideEvents Click="closeDialogs" /> <Appearance> <Image Url="./Res/Actions-button-cancel-icon1.png" /> </Appearance> </igtxt:WebImageButton>
but it does nothing when I click on the button? could you please assist me with this.
Another alternative to the show/hide methods is setting the windowState property to either Normal or Hidden, so what you could try is changing the code to:
dialog. .set_windowState($IG.DialogWindowState.Hidden);
The use of these properties has been demonstrated in the WebDialogFrame.aspx file in the following sample:
Please let me know if you need any further assistance.
Regards, Ivan Kitanov
still having the same issue, no result when I click.