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Get Hirarchical Grid value of Checked Bands having N Childs in Code behind in c#

 I am Implementing Web Hierarchical Data Grid and on Save i want to Get the Checked Rows Id's on Code Behind.

<ig:WebHierarchicalDataGrid ID="hdgEnterExit" runat="server" EnableRelativeLayout="True" ShowFooter="False" HeaderCaptionCssClass="HeaderCaptionClass" ItemCssClass="ItemCssClass"
AltItemCssClass="AltItemCssClass" FooterCaptionCssClass="HeaderCaptionClass" AutoGenerateColumns="False" AutoGenerateBands="True"
EnableDataViewState="true" EnableViewState="true">

<ig:BoundDataField DataFieldName="Module_Id" Key="Module_Id" Footer-Text="Module_Id" Header-Text="Module_Id" CssClass="CenterAlign" Width="70">
<ig:BoundDataField DataFieldName="Module_Label" Key="Module_Label" Footer-Text="Module_Label" Header-Text="Module_Label" CssClass="CenterAlign" Width="120">

<ig:Band Key="Trn_Id" AutoGenerateColumns="false" DataMember="TRN_CODE" DataKeyFields="Trn_Id">
<ig:BoundDataField DataFieldName="Menu_Label" Key="Menu_Label" Header-Text="Menu_Label" CssClass="CenterAlign" Width="520">

<ig:Band Key="Trn_Id" AutoGenerateColumns="false" DataMember="TRN_Operations" DataKeyFields="Trn_Id,Operation_Id">
<ig:BoundDataField DataFieldName="Operation_Id" Key="Operation_Id" Header-Text="Operation_Id" CssClass="CenterAlign" Width="420">
<ig:BoundCheckBoxField DataFieldName="Operation" DataType="System.Boolean"
VisibleIndex="1" Key="Operation" Width="180px">
<Header Text="Operation" >

<ig:EditingCore EnableInheritance="True" Enabled="true">
<EditingClientEvents CellValueChanging="WebHierarchicalDataGrid1_Editing_CellValueChanging"/>
<ig:CellEditing EnableInheritance="true">
<EditModeActions EnableOnActive="True" MouseClick="Single" />

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    I have been looking into your requirement and prepared a small sample in order to demonstrate how such behavior could be achieved.

    I added an UnboundCheckboxColumn to the grid bands column collection and on click on the Save button, I looped through all rows and bands and check the value of the check box. Based on this value I'm adding the row id and level to a globally defined list.

    Please keep in mind that in order to have access to the RowIslands on the server-side when the button is clicked you should disable the EnableDataViewState property and re-bind the grid again so the islands would be generated.

    Attached you will find my sample for your reference. Please test it on your side and let me know if I may be of any further assistance.


    Teodosia Hristodorova

    Associate Software Developer
