In conti of above link on conversation with Divya Jain, posting new question here as it's not showing reply option in above link.
Attaching sample app as asked for the issue facing
Hello Mosam,
May be you are not login with your infragistics account made you not able to replay to our other post.
Looks like your attachment dint come through . May be due to the sample size, you can delete the bin folder an attach the sample again to follow these steps.
-Divya Jain
Hi Divya,
Logged in with same account as previous but on that chain - reply is not visible..anyways - i have attached .rar file as size of the solution is big in previous conversation. I have not included bin and debug folders within. Attaching it again.
Pls let me know if it can not be fetched or any other alternates where i can send you the sample solution.