My first day with Infragistics. Trying to use a grid in ASP MVC:
IN THE CONTROLLER, THIS:[ChildActionOnly]public ActionResult Detail2Grid(){var listeProduitCommande = from s in db.produitCommandes.Include(p => p.commande).Include(p => p.fournisseur)where s.actif == true &&s.noCommande == CommandeUIselect s;return PartialView(listeProduitCommande);}
ALONG WITH THIS IN THE VIEW:<div>@{Html.RenderAction("Detail2Grid", "commandes");}</div>
ALONG WITH THIS in Detail2Grid.cshtml:@using Infragistics.Web.Mvc;
@model IQueryable<SPCP.Models.produitCommande>
<h2>Items List</h2>
@(Html.Infragistics().Grid(Model).ID("igGrid").Width("600px").Height("600px").AutoGenerateColumns(false).PrimaryKey("produitCommandeID").UpdateUrl(Url.Action("SaveData")).Columns(column =>{column.For(x => x.produitCommandeID).HeaderText("produitCommandeID");column.For(x => x.prix).HeaderText("prix");column.For(x => x.codeCatalogue).HeaderText("codeCatalogue");column.For(x => x.quantite).HeaderText("quantite");column.For(x => x.montant).HeaderText("montant");column.For(x => x.codeCategorie).HeaderText("codeCategorie");column.For(x => x.description).HeaderText("description");column.For(x => x.fournisseurID).HeaderText("fournisseurID");column.For(x => x.codeFournisseur).HeaderText("codeFournisseur");column.For(x => x.reference).HeaderText("reference");column.For(x => x.noCommande).HeaderText("noCommande");column.For(x => x.actif).HeaderText("actif");column.For(x => x.notes).HeaderText("notes");column.For(x => x.etage).HeaderText("etage");// Property is not primitive may cause circular referencecolumn.For(x => x.commande).HeaderText("commande");// Property is not primitive may cause circular referencecolumn.For(x => x.fournisseur).HeaderText("fournisseur");}).Features(f => { f.Selection().Mode(SelectionMode.Row);f.Updating().EnableAddRow(true).EnableDeleteRow(true).EditMode(GridEditMode.Row);}).DataBind().Render())
<div><h2>Items List</h2><table id="igGrid"></table><script type="text/javascript"> $(function () {$('#igGrid').igGrid({ dataSource: {"Records":[{"produitCommandeID":9135,"prix":61.2500,"codeCatalogue":"10001","quantite":2,"montant":122.5000,"codeCategorie":10,"description":"10001-RUNNING MAN (MÉTAL)","fournisseurID":16,"codeFournisseur":"RMSOWH-UDC","reference":"1 unité","noCommande":1379,"actif":true,"notes":"1 unité X la quantité","etage":"Aucun"}],"TotalRecordsCount":0,"Metadata":{"timezoneOffset":-14400000.0}},......... });});</script></div>
WHERE I GET THIS:1379:236 Uncaught ReferenceError: $ is not defined
... (on $('#igGrid').igGrid )
Thank you for posting in our community.
I noticed that there is another thread in our forum regarding the same query. Please keep in mind that according to our support policy, we handle single thread per issue and I will continue assisting you via the other thread, where I have already replied.
Thank you for using Infragistics components.
Yes - just want to let you know that when we post a question on your site, there's a waiting indicator (circling ring) for a while and then the 'I am not a robot' control times out with a message that it took too long, so the user (me) thinks the post did not go throught and thinks he needs to post again.... Now when the user (me) does that he goes throught the same experience and thinks that all his posts went into the twightlight zone and is sad (or worse) that he won't get any support... However a couple of minutes later the user (me) receives two emails confirming his 2 posts and the user (me) is happy to think that his question made it through after all. Take care. :)