I have a WebMonthView that i'm applying css classes to each appointment.
like this... app.Style.CssClass += " DONOTOPEN"; where app is an appointment object in an AppointmentsCollection
protected void ColourAppointments(AppointmentsCollection app1, List<AppointmentObject> app2)
foreach (Infragistics.WebUI.WebSchedule.Appointment app in app1)
This works great when the page loads with data or posts back.
The WebMonthView has 3 tabs/active resources I'm handling the ActiveResourceChanging event....
void WebScheduleInfo1_ActiveResourceChanging(object sender, ActiveResourceChangingEventArgs e) { if (e.ResourceDataKey != "") { switch (e.ResourceDataKey) { case "3": CurrentResourceKey = "1,2"; break; default: CurrentResourceKey = e.ResourceDataKey; break; } FilterWebSchedule(null, null); //Refilter with the new resource key set ColourAppointments(WebScheduleInfo1.Appointments, CurrentCalendarAppointments); ColourAppointments(WebScheduleInfo2.Appointments, CurrentCalendarAppointments); ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(this, this.GetType(), "appointmenticons", "CreateAppointmentIcons();", true); UpdatePanel1.Update(); } }
this applies the CSS to the appointment objects again in ColourAppointments, but the objects aren't getting the CSS classes when i inspect them in the browser
i think i found the problem, something about the smart callbacks aren't allowing the data to rebind correctly, i changed it to .... EnableSmartCallbacks="false" and that seems to have fixed it