I am using Infragistics v16.1 and have encountered an issue where i have a web data grid with 25 columns and 1000 blank rows. After copy/paste 1000 records from excel and click submit button getting below error: "Error during serialization or deserialization using the JSON JavaScriptSerializer. The length of the string exceeds the value set on the maxJsonLength property.".
I already set EnableAjax="false" and EnableAjaxViewState="false" and added _callbackManager.setTimeout(600000) in web data grid initialize function.
I already went through some of the posts regarding the same , but not able to find any solutions.
How to fix this issue.should I be able to find this in any documentation?
i have tried below steps also but no luck:
Hello Rejesh,
Thank you for your question.
Keep in mind that on paste operation, copied columns from the excel file, should match the selected WebDataGrid cells (have a look at the attached image below).
Also the data should match, if you have date value in one od the cells and you pass some string, the serialization will fail.
You can try to modify the attached sample in order to reproduce the issue and I will be able to help you further with it.