I have a webdropdown that cuts the length of the diplay. See the image. The name is cut off in the front. There is plenty of room as you can see
I didn't attach the image....
Here is the markup...
<ig:WebDropDown ID="ddlCustomer" DataKeyFields="CACID" DataSourceID="objCustomer" TextField="DisplayName" ValueField="CACID" runat="server" Width="600px" CssClass="form-control" EnableAutoFiltering="Server" DisplayMode="DropDown" AutoFilterQueryType="Contains" AutoPostBackFlags-SelectionChanged="Off" EnableAutoCompleteFirstMatch="false"> </ig:WebDropDown>
I have tested this scenario with the mentioned specifics using items containing long text, numbers, symbols and combination of the above and the issue is not reproducible.
I suggest you to inspect the rendered input for the styles applied and see what is causing this.
Additionally, I suggest you to disable both CssClass="form-control" and the bootstrap applied and see if the issue is caused by one of these.
As I have previously stated, it is always best to share more details on your approach, including a simple code sample reproducing the issue.
I am not using a custom css. I have no css on this element right now and it is still being cut off. I created another page and put the dropdown on that page and it is still being cut off. I have already put the markup on the element above. Have you created a simple page and made the dropdown 600px wide? Then add elements that are close to 600px long. This is all I have done. I am using bootstrap for the site css but there is nothing in bootstrap that limits the size of the dropdown display. How can there be a css involved when I am not using a style. The element is in a container that is the entire page wide.
Hello nbizub
It is most likely there is a custom or overridden css rule causing this. I suggest you to inspect the element with the cut off text and see what are the css classes and specific attributes applied for further clues. If you have trouble fixing the issue, it will be best to share the custom css used for the WDD and in the app as a whole.
Furthermore, it will be best to share more details on your approach, including a simple code sample reproducing the issue.