Hi Team,
I am using the Infragistics version 14.2. In the version i am creating the webtab control in static design time. And creating the Content Tab Item in run time. The Tab Item are created success fully.
But in my page i am creating more then 50 contant tab item in run time. My Page is supported for multi language. So i need to change my tab direction . So i using the TabLocation . These are working good in LTR mode.
But when i change the TabLocation to RTL means i cant able to see all the tabs in Scrollable Mode in my design. I am facing many design issues based on LTR and RTL direction.
Please refer the attachment images
Please note :-
The Tab Text are dynamic. cant able to fix the width in design time
I need to show all the Tabs as same manner . If the Tab text is Big means the tab need to big. If the tag text is small means the Tab is small.
Now my design not able to show as same tab manner.
I need to show all the tabs with scrollable with LTR and RTL mode. Please help me for this issue.
Hello Prabakaran,
I followed the steps you suggested and created a sample application of WebTab with 10 ContentTabItem with version 14.2. I tried changing the tab location and did not get the same issue.
If this sample project is not an accurate demonstration of what you're trying to do, please feel free to modify it and send it back, so that I will have clear understanding of the issue.
Please let me know if I can provide any further assistance.
Hi Divya Jain,
Thanks for your replay...
I attached a sample project for your references. Please get the Attachment and test via my testing point given below.
What i exactly need means when the page is LTR Mode the High lighted Arrows are in Right side. If the page is in RTL mode means the high lighted arrow need to be in Left side.
Project file Testing point.
1) In the project file go to default.aspx file.
2) Goto Body Tag and change the LTR direction to RTL.
3) Run the Project
4) Now you see the Tabs are not showing the text in the browser. For the reason the Style width are not properly supported.
Many Project we are handled with multi language and LTR AND RTL support.
Please let me know your comments
Thanks for your replay... Please get the attachment Project file.
Please refer the below image.
Thank you for providing sample application and the steps to reproduce the behavior.
I assume when you said RTL in the second step to reproduce the issue, it means “RightTop” tab Location.I noticed that in the sample you have enabled EnableAjax property which is causing the issue. Try disable the property and it will resolve the issue. Tabs will render in the browser.
Regarding the other question about changing the moving directions icons of the tabs I am discussing this behavior with the development team of the WebTab for more information.I will have more information for you when I hear back from them.
If you have any further questions or concerns with this issue, please let me know.
I tested the application with your comments based on Disabled Ajax property. Its also not solving my problem. And also i need the TabLocation="TopRight&TopLeft" .
When the tab location is RightTop means there is no problem occur. I need DisplayMode Scrollable or MultiRow or MultiRowAuto Supported.
In your test its working means can you give the sample for me to test my problem.
I have tested the TabLocation TopRight, TopLeft and RightTop with the sample you have provided. These all modes are working fine; they all renders the tabs in the browser.
Please find the attached sample.
I tested the sample on IE 11 and chrome (version 54.0.2840.59) browser with Version 14.2.20142.2590 .
I would like to know which browser(Version) you are using?
I am testing the application with IE 11.0.9600 V And Chrome 51.0.2704.106 V .
In the Test application the Body LTR mode is working good. But the Body RTL mode is not working as the same manner.
Please let me know your comments.
I thought you were talking about TabLocation property of WebTab control.
On oct 18 I provided the information that how I am testing. I mentioned that
“I have tested the TabLocation TopRight, TopLeft and RightTop with the sample you have provided. These all modes are working fine; they all renders the tabs in the browser.”
But you dint correct me. Now I understand the issue and able to reproduce it.
I have created a private case (CAS-178190-Y9C9W2) to link with developemt issue and I have asked our engineering staff to examine this further. To ensure that it will receive attention, I have logged this behavior in our internal tracking system with a Development ID of 227564. The next step will be for a developer to review my investigation and confirm my findings or to offer a fix, or other resolution.
I will leave this case open and update you with any new information after the review. You can also continue to send updates to this case at any time.You can view the status of the development issue connected to this case by selecting the "Development Issues" tab when viewing this case on the web site.
Please note that volume 14.2 has already had its last service release so if the resolution of this development issue requires a change to the assemblies it will be necessary to upgrade to a more recent volume of Infragistics for WebTab .
You can see our product lifecycle here: <http://es.infragistics.com/support/product-lifecycle>
Please let me know if you need more information.
Are you clear with my comments when i posted in the date Replied On: 10-14-2016 7:11 AM. I clearly Explain the scenario how to test the sample.
In my application sample i given the Body Direction attribute . For the reason most of our application are multi language supported. So i change the body direction to Right-to-left. And Left-To-Right. Its Called like
<Body dir="rtl"> <Body dir="ltr">
The Problem when i faced the dir='rtl' . when i change the body direction to rtl mode.
I clearly Explain the issue in my earlier post.
The <Body dir="ltr"> is working good for the tab control.
But <Body dir="rtl"> is not working for the tab control.
I also test the same sample as we check each other.
I would like to know what is RTL mode because I am trying all the modes and it is working fine. I have tested the TabLocation TopRight, TopLeft and RightTop with the sample you have provided.
Would like to know:
Did you try the same sample I provided in my last response?
Did you try setting EnableAjax="false" in the sample?