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Delete rows with batch updating


I have a problem with WebDataGrid with deleting row. I have a page with several WebDataGrid, all with AutoCRUD  = false, BatchUpdating = true and RowDeleting enabled (with del button and undo button).

The user can modify the data on the page and at the end sends all to the server to process it. Maybe is an stupid question, but in the postback, how can I detect deleted rows in the WebDataGrids? If I loop throw the WebDataDrid rows I see all the rows, including the deleted.

This is one of the WebDataGrid:

<ig:WebDataGrid ID="wdgOperaciones" EnableDataViewState ="true" runat="server" ClientIDMode ="Static" AutoGenerateColumns =" false" BackColor ="white" BorderColor ="#336666" BorderStyle="Double" BorderWidth="3px" CellPadding="4" Font-Size="Small" GridLines="Horizontal" Height="275px" Width="700px" HeaderCaptionCssClass ="CustomHeader">

<ig:BoundDataField DataFieldName ="OPERACION" Key ="OPERACION" Header-CssClass ="Operacion">
<Header Text ="Operación"></Header>

<ig:DropDownProvider ID ="ComboOperaciones">
<EditorControl DropDownContainerMaxHeight="200px" EnableAnimations="False" EnableDropDownAsChild="False" ClientIDMode="Predictable"></EditorControl>

<ig:RowSelectors RowNumbering="true" HeaderRowSelectorCssClass ="CustomRowSelectorHeader" />

<ig:EditingCore BatchUpdating ="true" AutoCRUD="False" >

<EditingClientEvents RowAdding ="wdgOperaciones_RowAdding" CellValueChanging ="wdgOperaciones_CellValueChanging" />

<ig:RowDeleting Enabled ="true" ShowDeleteButton ="true" EnableInheritance =" true" ></ig:RowDeleting>

<ig:RowAdding AddNewRowCssClass ="CustomNewRow">
<EditModeActions MouseClick="Single" />
<ig:RowAddingColumnSetting ColumnKey ="OPERACION" EditorID ="ComboOperaciones" />

<EditModeActions MouseClick="Single" />
<ig:EditingColumnSetting ColumnKey ="OPERACION" EditorID ="ComboOperaciones" />



Thanks for your help

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