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Unable to get grid values on button click event

We are using Net Advantage 2011.2. We have a button click event where we pull webhierarchical grid data into it to save it based on functionality. However we are not getting webhierarchical grid data as expected. We are binding data from codebehind.

protected Sub btn_clickEvent(ByVal Sender as Object, ByVal e as EventArgs) handles btn.ClickEvent

       Dim testGrid as Infragistics.Web.UI.GridControls.WebHeirarchicalGrid

       testgrid = Me.GridFromUI

End Sub

In the above example we are not getting GridFromUI grid values. Please provide us a way to use data from Grid on a button click event

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    Hello Avinash,

    Thank you for contacting us.

    The code seems correct. Are you sure you perform data bind on page load? Can you send me a working sample of your webdatagrid so I could further investigate?

    Also, please note that the version you are using is retired several years ago and it is currently not supported. The product lifecycle is stated in the following page:

    Please let me know if I could be of further assistance.
