I updated my asp.net solution from 14.1 to 15.1 using the version utility.
Now my dynamically loaded combo boxes do not expand.
The code below does not expand.
Here is my aspx code. it is in a table in an asp:panel
<ig:WebDropDown ID="WebDropDown1" runat="server" Width="280px" DropDownContainerHeight="0px" DropDownContainerMaxHeight="150px" PageSize="0" AutoFilterTimeoutMs="20" Font-Bold="True" Font-Names="Verdana" Font-Size="8pt" Height="25px" Button-Visible="True" AutoFilterResultSize="50" EnableAutoFiltering="Client" EnableViewState="False" ValueField="InstTypeID" TextField="Description"> <DropDownItemBinding TextField="Description" ValueField="InstType" KeyField="InstType" /> <DropDownItemBinding KeyField="InstType" TextField="Description" ValueField="InstTypeID" /> ig:WebDropDown>
Here is the code behind that fills the items.
// Fill the Instrument Types dropdown list WebDropDown1.Items.Add(new DropDownItem("", "")); foreach (string[] instData in from getInstrument in vDS.getInstrumentTypes() where !string.IsNullOrEmpty(getInstrument) select getInstrument.Split('-')) { WebDropDown1.Items.Add(new DropDownItem(instData[2], instData[0])); }
The code below does expand normally.
Here is the aspx code.
<ig:WebDropDown ID="ddMapType" runat="server" AutoFilterResultSize="50" AutoFilterTimeoutMs="20" AutoPostBack="false" AutoSelectOnMatch="False" Button-Visible="True" DropDownContainerHeight="0px" DropDownContainerMaxHeight="400px" EnableAutoFiltering="Client" EnableCustomValues="False" Font-Bold="True" Font-Names="Verdana" Font-Size="8pt" Height="25px" PageSize="0" Width="229px"> <Items> <ig:DropDownItem Text="Maps and Plats" Value="1" /> <ig:DropDownItem Text="Record of Survey" Value="2" /> <ig:DropDownItem Text="Road/Highway Maps" Value="3" /> Items> <ClientEvents /> ig:WebDropDown>
This page as well as all my other pages used to register their infragistics Assemblies on each page.
After update all assembly references were moved to the config file
I don't know if this makes any difference.
It then removed the references from the individual web pages.
The dropdowns are definitely populated since I can use the
down arrow to scroll through individual items in the dropdown.
Hello Rob,
Thank you for using our community.
I have tried the code that you sent us with the 2123 build for 15.1 version of our controls, but I wasn’t able to reproduce the issue. Could you please give me more details on the build you are using and is this issue browser specific? What is more if you could send me an isolated sample that replicates the issue, I will really appreciate it as it will give me the opportunity to provide you a better support.
I’ll be waiting for your answer.
Best Regards, Marina Stoyanova, Software Developer, Infragistics, Inc.
Your correct about the browser, I usually test in Chrome (version 47.0.2526.106 m).
The dropdown are not working in Chrome.
However, the dropdowns are working correctly in IE11 and FireFox.
I’m using Version=15.1.20151.2320 of the web controls.
I also down loaded 15.2 of Infragistics but it didn’t seem to make any changes to my web.config.
I will attempt to created a sample page with two dropdowns that displays the problem in Chrome.