I want to export to excel my data in my WebHierarchicalDataGrid, this has grouped columns
I dont get to set the style of the fonts for this row,
can anyone help me to define the style of the row for a grouped row ?
image attached
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Exporting group fields is not currently supported, In order to achieve such functionality you need to implement more custom approach, my colleague Hristo is explaining this in the below forum thread.
The same approach could be followed for the WebHierarchicalDataGrid.
Let me know if I may be of further assistance.
thanks for the reply,
actually it does support export to excel with group by columns, it just is missing the font format, can you help with that ?
the font format exported for the group rows is rare.
see attached images
Do you mean that after exporting the Grid all of its styles are lost? In order to export the styles applied to the Grid you will need to handle
WebExcelExporter1_RowExported server event and there to set the styles that you want, like font, background color etc. I have created a sample for you in order to show you what I mean.
This is not a wrong behavior that should be fixed. I have shared with you that you need to handle the event in order to customize the outcome. Could you please make the necessary changes in order to reproduce the issue and send it back to me in order to investigate it further for you.
myabe it could be fix in the next version ?
it doesnt work with the grouped rows, in my attached images I have :
Team: Europe(158)
this row is not captured in the event, so I can not get it and format it with the font I want.