In our application, we have an screen in which rows amd columns are displayed, need to fetch the values from these rows and columns. The object is identified as SwfObject.
Is there any way to get the values of these rows and columns.
QTP version is 9.5
Infragistics Test Advantage 2006 Voulme 3 CLR 2.0
What is the swftypename of the control that is being recognized as SwfObject? You can find this by looking at the object with object spy.
Let me know if you have any questions with this matter.
Hi Alan
The swftypecname of the object is VIBlend.WinForms.DataGridView.vDataGridView. Could you please let me know how can i fetch the data from this object
Yes, it is recognized as an SwfObject only.
Hi Alan,
In our application also there is a spreadsheetGear control,we need to access/modify the data in worksheets.
Can you help me in how to create object to swfobject of swftypename "SpreadsheetGear.Windows.Forms.WorkbookView".