Thanks in advance.
We are using qtp 9 and trying to click on a toolbar button in the ultratoolbar.
We used .NET spy and were able to see some properties like Enabled = true.for all the buttons..
But we are not able to change any value in them.
Is there any way we can click the button in the ultra tool bar.
There are some 8 buttons and we want to clcik on the first button.
We planned to disable the other buttons and keep the first button enabled and use the firevent click in the .net spy for toolbarmanager.
Since we are not able to set the enabled property to false,it is not working for us.
Please help us in this.
If the toolclick method is not exposed and if we can’t access it? Is there any other method that we can invoke the click using .net spy on QTP ?
It sounds like we had a misuderstanding here, it sounded as if you wanted to be able to set a Enabled property. If all you want to do is click on a tool, then we have a number of methods for that, varying on what type of tool collection the tool is on.
All versions of Net/Test Advantage
Normal Toolbar - ClickToolbarTool(oToolbar, oTool)
Net/Test Advantage 2006 Volume 3
Ribbon - ClickRibbonTool(sRibbonTab, oTool)
Application Menu - ClickApplicationMenuTool(sAppMenuArea, oTool)
QuickAccessToolbar(QAT) - ClickQATTool(oTool)
Net/Test Advantage 2007 Volume 1
Ribbon Tab Item - ClickTabItemToolbarTool(oTool)
MiniToolbar - ClickMiniToolbarTool(oTool)
Net/Test Advantage 2007 Volume 3
Navigation Toolbar - ClickNavToolbarTool(oTool)