This works if CountColumns is replaced with a number, otherwise I get an error "Column argument
must be string or Int16."
CLR 2 2006 vol2
For i = 1 To CountColumns Col = SwfWindow("CaridianBCT Service Maintenanc").SwfTable("machineHistoryGrid").GetCellData(3, i) ReportText = ReportText & vbNewLine & i & ") " & ColNextReporter.ReportEvent micDone, "Columns", ReportText
Hi Richard,
How are you initiating CountColumns? if you are using
CountColumns = SwfWindow("CaridianBCT Service Maintenanc").SwfTable("machineHistoryGrid").GetNAProperty( ... )
Then try casting it to int:
For i = 1 To CINT(CountColumns)
I hope this will help
That works ..