I had a scenario to automate a script where i need to get the child items to be selected from the swftreeview, which is of gridtree,
For example Java is the root tree and in that j22e, veriosn of java, version of J2ee these are the child elements of the Jave i need to get the version of java now that is the child element of java in the save way i need to get the grandchild elements also.Please try to help me regarding this, It would be very great to share with me if you have any idea regarding this. Please let me know so that i can go ahead with this
Its very urgent, Please try to help me out
Hi Srikanth,
What you are asking is possible, although it will take a bit of work to build the specifics of what you want to acheive. Below are a few of the basic functions that TestAdvantage and QuickTest Professional have that will assist you in doing what you want to do.
' To make this more ledgable I am going to assume the followingSet tree = SwfWindow("Form1").SwfTreeView("ultraTree1")
TestAdvantage Functions :
QuickTest Professional Functions :
You could use GetContent() to get all the currently visible nodes. You can then Split that list into an Array, loop through them, and Call ExpandAll on all the visible nodes, and you will have all possible nodes visible. Call GetContent() again, then you will get a list of all of the nodes.
If you want to handle the individual tier nodes in order, you can just either just expand the parent, or use something like:IF parentNode = Mid(currentNode, 0, Len(parentNode))to determine if the node you are currently testing is a child of the parent node. There are a number of approaches based on what you might want to do. But hopefully the functions supplied will help you with what you need to do.
Hi Mike,
I tried the way you explained it, when i tried to get the child elements item it showing the blank value. For example " " for the child elements
I tried with all the permutations and combinations, still with the same problem i'am facing , I'am attaching the screen shot for the reference. Please do the needful
As you told me use the Functions , Its not working as per the requiement which i need, Acttually when i expand the node and find the child elements it gives the right count value, But when i go for the get content method and used to get the item. Its unable to get the child and subchild items, It shows the blank values for that For ex: " " in this way, I have tried all the permutations and combinations to get those items, But i'am unable to do that, Please can u help me out from this problem , Its troubling me from long days, Does this infragisticas and QTP suppots this type of controls
Hi ,
I am not able to read the get the values from SwfTreeView (Infragistics.Win.UltraWinTree.UltraTree)
These are the values I am getting for the common methods.
The tree is in expanded mode
GetContent : \\\\\\
GetItemsCount : 4GetSelection : \\
GetItem : (Its rerurning blan for indexes from 0 to 4)
While recording also the recorded step is appearing as
SwfTreeView("ultratrevLOB").Select "\\"
SwfTreeView("ultratrevLOB").ActivateNode "\"
SwfTreeView("ultratrevLOB").Select "\"
Please let me know how I can get the contents and select a particular Item
As you told me to use the GetContent menthod it it displays the name of only the parent, I'am unable to get the child element from the parent, Even i expanded the parent and used the GetContent menthod over there
I tried to attach the screen shot but there was no attachment possibe here