How do I freeze the first column of the grid? I am able to freeze the headers using StationaryMargins="HeaderAndFooter" property. My grid has 31 columns with date as first column. So when the user scrolls horizontally, the date column should remain pinned/pegged so that the user can make out for which date they are seeing the data. I have attached the screenshot of the grid.
Have been struggling for sometime. Really appreciate any help.
The grid is designed so that you set the DisplayLayout.UseFixedHeaders = True in conjuction with setting the header for the column you want to have a property of Header.Fixed = True, but as you can read below, it causes issues for some.
Thanks for that lead. I tried using that and my grid went crazy. So do we have any other means or ways to achieve this?
OK. May be I didnt give you a complete picture of the grid. I am rendering the webgrid based on XML which looks like:
(comments are underlined).
XML: <Root> <Section name="Raw Sewage"> //These form the column group<Parameters><Parameter units="string" code="SP6" type="input" name="Influent Flow Rate"> //This node becomes a column in webgrid<Average>1.0</Average> //This node forms the footer data<Maximum>2.0</Maximum> //This node forms the footer data<Minimum>3.0</Minimum> //This node forms the footer data<Data></Data>//This node forms the footer data<day type="value" number="1">0.3</day> //All these become rows in grid 1-30/31(no. of days in month)<day type="value" number="2">0.2</day><day type="value" number="3">0.1</day>....<day type="value" number="31"></day></Parameter></Parameters></Section></Root>
//****Reading above XML and creating a column for each parameter node :***//
XmlNodeList lstParameter = doc.SelectNodes("//*/*/Parameters/Parameter[@type=\"input\"]");
foreach (XmlNode node in lstParameter){strHeaderText = "<DIV style='width:50px;vertical-align:bottom;WRITING-MODE:tb-rl;filter:fliph flipv;'>(" + node.Attributes["code"].Value.Substring(0, 5) + ")" + node.Attributes["name"].Value.Replace(" ", "<BR>") + "(" + node.Attributes["units"].Value + ")"+ str+ "</DIV>";
UltraGridColumn column = new UltraGridColumn(node.Attributes["code"].Value, strHeaderText, ColumnType.NotSet,null);column.Width = Unit.Pixel(50);this.MROWebGrid.Columns.Add(column);
//***Creating Grid rows for number of days in the month***//
DateTime dtFrom = new DateTime();
XmlNodeList lstDays = doc.SelectNodes("//Root/Section[1]/Parameters/Parameter[1]/day");
for (int i = 0; i < lstDays.Count; i++){this.MROWebGrid.Rows.Add();this.MROWebGrid.Rows[i].Cells[0].Value = dtFrom.ToString("M/d/yy,ddd");this.MROWebGrid.Rows[i].Cells[0].AllowEditing = AllowEditing.No;dtFrom = dtFrom.AddDays(1);}
//***Creating the footer:**//
foreach (XmlNode node in lstParameter){
XmlNode AvgNode = node.SelectSingleNode("//Root/Section[@name=\"" + node.ParentNode.ParentNode.Attributes["name"].Value + "\"]/Parameters/Parameter[@code=\"" + node.Attributes["code"].Value + "\"]/Average");
//similarly max, min and data nodes
System.Text.StringBuilder sbFooterText = new System.Text.StringBuilder();sbFooterText.Append("<DIV style='width: 50px;TEXT-ALIGN: left;'>");if(AvgNode.InnerText.Equals("")) sbFooterText.Append(" "); else sbFooterText.Append(AvgNode.InnerText);sbFooterText.Append("<BR><HR>");if (MaxNode.InnerText.Equals("")) sbFooterText.Append(" "); else sbFooterText.Append(MaxNode.InnerText);sbFooterText.Append("<BR><HR>");if (MinNode.InnerText.Equals("")) sbFooterText.Append(" "); else sbFooterText.Append(MinNode.InnerText);sbFooterText.Append("<BR><HR>");if (DataNode.InnerText.Equals("")) sbFooterText.Append(" "); else sbFooterText.Append(DataNode.InnerText);sbFooterText.Append("</DIV>");this.MROWebGrid.DisplayLayout.Bands[0].Columns[intIdx].Footer.Caption = sbFooterText.ToString(); ;intIdx++;
Hope this gives a complete picture of how I am rendering the grid. Please help!!
(I'm almost sorry I asked. I don't speak XML, and I've never attempted to populate footers dynamically. ;-)
I'm running low on ideas. I would double check to make sure you're doing everything within the correct event handler. I suspect that populating headers, populating footers, and populating rows are best done in two or three different event handlers, but that's just a hunch.
Does anybody else have any ideas?
When I use UseFixedHeaders=true, it looks good. But when I scroll horizontally all the headers are fixed. I need only the first column header should be fixed and the remaining has to move along with the data. Please help me.
Did you set both:
If that doesn't help, I'd suggest you post your markup and your code.
Hey i m having the same problem and i have set these property but in this case rest of the colums data is miss aligned with the headers. Rest of the columns means which are now being scrolled . Please help me.
Hey, for me the actual cause of such misalignment is presence of master page. I have found this after lot of struggle. Infragistics should test their controls in pages with master page. Everything was working in place when I remove the masterpage from that page. Hope this helps.
Please help me actually its urget