I have developed a report with Object Data Source. I created a WinForm with UltraReportViewer to display the report. The WinForm, the report and the method returning the data are in the same dll. During design the report successfully loaded data.
The dll must be called by COM object which will show the WinForm and they are located in their own folder. When I started the form I got the following error by the report viewer:
Infragistics.Reports.Engine.EngineException: Error in DataContext =DataSources.Infrastructure. ---> Infragistics.Reports.Engine.Data.EngineDataException: Could not find information for type 'REPORTS_Lib.Reports, REPORTS_LIB'. Please make sure that the assemblies are present.
at Infragistics.Reports.Engine.Data.ObjectDataProvider.Execute()
at Infragistics.Reports.Engine.Data.ReportDataSourceManager.CreateReportDataSource(DataSource dataSource)
at Infragistics.Reports.Engine.Data.ReportDataSourceManager.GetReportDataSource(DataSource reportDataSource)
at Infragistics.Reports.Engine.Planner.GetDataSourceFor(DataSource dataSource)
at Infragistics.Reports.Expressions.RuntimeEvaluationContext.<>c__DisplayClass2.b__1()
at Infragistics.Reports.Expressions.EvaluatorHelper.Accessor(Object target, String propertyName, Boolean onParent, Boolean scaleUp)
at lambda_method(Closure , IRuntimeEvaluationContext )
at Infragistics.Reports.Expressions.EvaluatorVisitor.Evaluate(Expression expression)
--- End of inner exception stack trace ---
An error occurred while binding an expression.
I debugged the code and found that the RenderSettings.DefinitionUri was OK and the parameters were passed successfully.
What should I look for?
Hello ,
When you distribute Infragistics Report along with your dll you should also include several assemblies in addition with your reports. On the following link you will find assemblies required by your applications.
Please let me know if you have any further questions.
The problem is not about missing Reporting assemblies. The problem is that the Report engine cannot find assembly (which is the same where report xaml is located) for the class which provides the data. When we put our dll in the folder of the calling program the report is working correctly. But we need to distribute our dll in diferent directory.How can we make report engine look for assembly in directory different from current one? Is GAC a possible solution?
I am just checking about the progress of this issue. Let me know If you need my further assistance on this issue?
Thank you for using Infragistics Components
As other assemblies, report engine was built to search for needed dll into the GAC or folder where viewer is, and if you want to change this location this meant that you should rebuild it. Installing in the GAC must solve your issue.
Please let me know If you have any further questions.