I am dynamically creating templated columns which is determined by the 'Data Type'
gvMC.Rows(i).Cells.FromKey("Response").Value = ctrlString
Where ctrlString can be ie. "<input type='text' name='header' size='50' />" OR "<textarea name='comments' rows='3' cols='50'>" etc..
The problem with these controls in the grid is that they do not function properly. I cannot press the 'delete' or 'spacebar' in the text control
and in the textArea control i sometimes cannot type without holding the mouse button down. Its as if the grid cell click is overriding the fact that the Html control has focus..
What can I disable in the grid to get these controls to function normally? Do i need javascript to set focus to the Html controls?
Thanks ,
You'll need to use a templated column to display the textbox. The grid's activation code captures most of the mouse and keyboard events and uses them to do navigation and text entry in the grid. It has some special code to exclude elements inside a templated column from this logic.
You can find out about column templates here: http://help.infragistics.com/Help/NetAdvantage/NET/2007.3/CLR2.0/html/WebGrid_Using_Column_Templates.html
Thanks, but that's for creating the columns at design time . I'm creating each HTML control dynamically based on another column.
The only problem I'm having now is with the text area control.
gvMC.Rows(i).Cells.FromKey("Response").Value ="<textarea name='comments' rows='3' cols='50' />"; Just about every mouse click on the control is getting overridden by the grid's code - which moves focus outside the txt area not allowing the user to type. Turning on the 'Templated Column' property on that col does not change the overriding code
Just setting the column as a templated column wouldn't be enough. You would actually need to use the templating features to put the controls into the cells.
If you're creating your columns at runtime, you can also create the templates dynamically at runtime. There are some examples of how to do that in the knowledge base:
With the help of the last reply by Helen, I am able to add HTML control dynamically, say I have added one HTML Button, but still I am not able to call javascript function on clicking of that button. I added 'onclick' attribute to the button dynamically and tried to call simple alert message. It seems button is getting clicked but it does not respond to 'onclick' event.
If I add html control (e.g. Button) design time using template column, and try to call simple javascript alert message box, even then it does not respond to javascript onclick event.
I have gone through all the replies related to this post 'HTML controls in ultrawebgrid', but issue has not been properly addressed.
Could you please tell me any way to call javascript function on 'onclick' event of HTML Button inside grid cell. If possible could you provide sample code for it.
If putting the item inside a templated column hasn't helped, you should take this to developer support. Your case might be a case that the grid doesn't handle and developer support will be able to forward it on to be looked at.
Hello NJ and MC,In my case, I use an asp:LinkButton and I created it at Design and put it inside Template Column and I believe that if you follow the example that Tim Hitchings suggested, it should work and it will allow you to call your javascript function.
Just in case you are trying to open up a modal or pop up screen and trying to pass value back and forth between the parent and child screens (form) then I have a great example for you.
I only noticed this post myself now, or I'd have looked into this sooner.Assuming that I have the incident number correct (WbG46572), it appears that your support request was responded to on January 11. You responded with a follow-up, which we responded to later that same day with a sample project. If you didn't receive our follow-up email message, it's likely that the message was caught by a spam/malware filter due to the attached sample project.
If you still need further assistance with this issue, please respond to the last email message received from the Developer Support Engineer for this support request. If you didn't receive our previous message, please simply let us know; we can either resend the message without the sample or send the message to an alternate email address.
I contacted Infragistic's dev support, and send them the issue, however what they did so far, they just gave an incident number to it. After that I have heard nothing from their side.
This issue is urgent if anyone could help.
Thanks in advance.