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Problem using javascript with WebMaskEditor.

I am upgrading all my aspx pages to use the v11.2 controls from the v11.1 controls and I'm struggling with the client-side API. I have 2 questions.

1. I can't get the object from the id using javascript on the client.

     function SetColorWebEdit(boxid) {

        var txtbox = $find(boxid);

        txtbox.className = 'SmallTextBox';

        var v = $.trim(txtbox.get_value());

        if (v == '')

                txtbox.className = 'RequiredField';



The markup:

<td><ig:webmaskeditor id="SN_E_OD_105_EXT1" runat="server" CssClass="SmallTextBox" InputMask="###" Width="54px" Height="18"><ClientEvents Blur="OnBlur_105_EXT1" />      </ig:webmaskeditor> </td>

And it's called like this: SetColorWebEdit('SN_E_OD_105_EXT1');

The problem is that the statement  var txtbox = $find(boxid); returns null. $get(boxid) give me back an object, but then fails when I call get_value().

2. Where can I find documentation for the client-side API used by the v11.2 controls?



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