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Problem using javascript with WebMaskEditor.

I am upgrading all my aspx pages to use the v11.2 controls from the v11.1 controls and I'm struggling with the client-side API. I have 2 questions.

1. I can't get the object from the id using javascript on the client.

     function SetColorWebEdit(boxid) {

        var txtbox = $find(boxid);

        txtbox.className = 'SmallTextBox';

        var v = $.trim(txtbox.get_value());

        if (v == '')

                txtbox.className = 'RequiredField';



The markup:

<td><ig:webmaskeditor id="SN_E_OD_105_EXT1" runat="server" CssClass="SmallTextBox" InputMask="###" Width="54px" Height="18"><ClientEvents Blur="OnBlur_105_EXT1" />      </ig:webmaskeditor> </td>

And it's called like this: SetColorWebEdit('SN_E_OD_105_EXT1');

The problem is that the statement  var txtbox = $find(boxid); returns null. $get(boxid) give me back an object, but then fails when I call get_value().

2. Where can I find documentation for the client-side API used by the v11.2 controls?



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    Are you using WebMaskEditor inside another asp container i.e. WebTab or another control? In this case the id of the control will be different in the html generated for the page than your asp markup. In any case, please check the id of the control in the html source that is loaded in the browser. You should use this id in order to in $find(id).

    You can find information about 11.2 controls here

    Please, feel free to ask for any additional information that you might need.


    Dimitar Atanasov

    Senior Software Engineer


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