Is it possible to change the row layout in a xamGrid.
What I want to achieve:
Having a grid with 3 columns from which the first one is very large.
So I want to display the information on 2 lines but still having the columnheaders which still can be used for sorting/grouping/filtering/...
I sketced a sample below:
Header Col1 | Header Col2 | Header Col3
Description: Value Col1
Description: Value Col2 Description: Value Col3
If this isn't possible with a xamGrid, is there another way to achieve this kind of functionality?
I am attaching a sample XamGrid application for your review.
Matt Developer Support Engineer
Hi Matt,
It is already a first good approach.
The problem is that the content is displayed in only one column. The general idea was to display the content over all the columns (like a column span).
Is this possible?
Kind regards,