I have xamGrid (SL5, v.11.2) with CheckBoxColumn as a first column in a row. I've noticed strange behavior...Sometimes when I change the checkbox state (check/uncheck) and then move mouse right to the next column in a row, checkbox changes the state (became unchecked if it was checked and vise versa) as soon as mouse pointer goes over the next field.
Did anybody notice such issue ?
Hello Ed,
It has been a while since you have made your post, in case you still need support I will be glad to assist you further. I suppose the other community members can benefit from this answer as well. I have been looking into your post, but I am not completely sure how your data is organized and what type of editing you are using row or cell based, so if this is still an issue for you, could you please send an isolated sample project, where the issue is reproduced, so I can investigate it further for you.
Feel free to write me if you have further questions.
I resolved the issue. I had following grid:
<ig:XamGrid x:Name="TImelineGrid" Grid.Row="1" ActiveItem="{Binding CurrentAnnotation, Mode=TwoWay}" AutoGenerateColumns="false"
BorderThickness="1" ItemsSource="{Binding AnnotationList,Mode=TwoWay}" RowHeight="Dynamic" ScrollViewer.VerticalScrollBarVisibility="Auto">
<ig:XamGrid.ClipboardSettings> <ig:ClipboardSettings AllowCopy="True" AllowPaste="False" CopyOptions="IncludeHeaders" /> </ig:XamGrid.ClipboardSettings>
<ig:CheckBoxColumn Key="IsRowChecked" EditorDisplayBehavior="Always" HeaderText=" " IsSortable="False"> <ig:CheckBoxColumn.HeaderTemplate> <DataTemplate> <CheckBox Click="CheckBox_Click"> <ToolTipService.ToolTip> <ToolTip Content="Mark All Deleted" /> </ToolTipService.ToolTip> </CheckBox>
<ig:TextColumn Key="TimeCodeIN" VerticalContentAlignment="Top" HeaderText="Time Code" HeaderTextHorizontalAlignment="Center" HeaderTextVerticalAlignment="Center" IsFilterable="True" IsFixable="True" IsGroupable="True" IsHideable="True" IsMovable="True" IsReadOnly="True" IsResizable="True" IsSortable="True"> <ig:TextColumn.HeaderTemplate> <DataTemplate> <TextBlock FontSize="10" FontWeight="Bold" Text="TimeCode"> <ToolTipService.ToolTip> <ToolTip Content="TimeCode start for annotation" /> </ToolTipService.ToolTip> </TextBlock> </DataTemplate> </ig:TextColumn.HeaderTemplate> </ig:TextColumn>
<ig:TextColumn Key="Annotation" Width="400" VerticalContentAlignment="Center" HeaderText="Annotation" HeaderTextHorizontalAlignment="Center" HeaderTextVerticalAlignment="Center" IsFilterable="True" IsFixable="True" IsGroupable="True" IsHideable="True" IsMovable="True" IsReadOnly="False" IsResizable="True" IsSortable="True" TextWrapping="Wrap"> <ig:TextColumn.HeaderTemplate> <DataTemplate> <TextBlock FontSize="10" Text="Annotation"> <ToolTipService.ToolTip> <ToolTip Content="Annoation Text" /> </ToolTipService.ToolTip> </TextBlock> </DataTemplate> </ig:TextColumn.HeaderTemplate> </ig:TextColumn>
</ig:XamGrid.Columns> <ig:XamGrid.RowSelectorSettings> <ig:RowSelectorSettings EnableRowNumbering="false" /> </ig:XamGrid.RowSelectorSettings>
<ig:XamGrid.SelectionSettings> <ig:SelectionSettings CellClickAction="SelectCell" CellSelection="Multiple" ColumnSelection="Multiple" /> </ig:XamGrid.SelectionSettings>
<ig:XamGrid.SortingSettings> <ig:SortingSettings AllowMultipleColumnSorting="True" AllowSorting="True" FirstSortDirection="Ascending" MultiSortingKey="Shift" ShowSortIndicator="True" /> </ig:XamGrid.SortingSettings>
<ig:XamGrid.EditingSettings> <ig:EditingSettings AllowEditing="Hover" IsEnterKeyEditingEnabled="True" IsF2EditingEnabled="True" IsMouseActionEditingEnabled="SingleClick" /> </ig:XamGrid.EditingSettings>
Only first checkbox field is editable. When I changed XamGrid.EditingSettings.EditingSettings.AllowEditing from Hover to Cell, check box behavior became normal.
Thank you for your feedback. I am glad that you resolved your issue and I believe that other community members may benefit from this as well.
Thanks again.