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Calculate column totals for group on client-side in grouped grid?

I'm having a little trouble calculating column totals in a grouped grid. I've started from the sample code in, and I can calculate row totals fine. Here is the code I'm using in the AfterExitEditMode handler:

 function UltraWebGrid1_AfterExitEditModeHandler(gridName, cellId){
    try {
        var cell = igtbl_getCellById(cellId);
        var row = cell.getRow();
        // update row and column totals

        // snip... row totals are fine
        // deal with column totals
        if(row.ParentRow.GroupByRow) {
            // ParentRow is the group row, get child rows (ie rows in this group)
            var rows = row.ParentRow.getChildRows();
            // get column to update
            var column = cell.Column;
            var colTotal = 0;
            for(var i = 0; i < rows.length; i++) {
                colTotal += parseFloat(row.ParentRow.getChildRow(i).getCellByColumn(column).getValue());
            // place value in column footer
            // snip... I'll worry about this later
    } catch(ex) {

The problem is that row.ParentRow.getChildRow(i) returns null. I have also tried rows.getRow(i) - but the rows collection, while it is a collection and has the right length, doesn't even have a getRow method. I have also tried row.ParentRow.FirstChild, which also returns null.

Anybody know how to do this?

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    Well, in case anyone is interested, I thought I'd update this... It turns out that this code works perfectly unless you have enabled AJAX on the grid. Which is a tad annoying. Stil, now we know what the problem is, hopefully we're one step closer to a solution. I'm pursuing this with Infragistics EU support, and I'll update this thread should we find a resolution.
