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DropDownProvider selected values are disappearing after post-back


I am using DropDownProvider in webdatagrid, I created 2 new rows and modified 2 existing rows. In save button, I am looping all rows and saving in to database. When I clicked the save button on server-side, all dropdowns values are empty and unable to capture selected values. Can you help me on this. 

  • 25665
    Offline posted

    Hello InfraOracle,

    Thank you for contacting Infragistics!
    We received your support request concerning selected value of the DropDownProvider disappearing, and this case has been assigned to me. Infragistics is dedicated to helping you solve this issue. Our team and I have done an initial review of your case and I am looking into this matter and will get back to you by the end of the day tomorrow with more information or questions for you.

    Mike P.
    Developer Support Engineer
    Infragistics, Inc.

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