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WebDataTree is very slow when it have 6000 nodes(only In the root level)

When I select a node WebDataTree response about 10 seconds.

Are there any ways to solve this problem?

 my code is:

<ig:WebDataTree ID="webTreeLeft" runat="server" Height="450px" Width="765px" BorderColor="#000066"
BorderStyle="Solid" EnableConnectorLines="True" SelectionType="Single"

my version is:12.1.20121.2048

  • 49378

    Hello foxbabby,

    Thank you for posting in the community.

    6000 nodes would be too much for a single level in WebDataTree (even a regular html ul list with that many nodes would seriously impact performance). Additionally the clientside functionality provided by WebDataTree requires that javascript is being executed for each node for features such as selection, expanding/collapsing etc. Note that the performance in this scenario will allso be greatly affected by the browser used. I would therefore suggest that you try reducing the number of nodes in your tree (and using load on demand for any child nodes).

    Please feel free to contact me if you need more information.


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