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WebNumericEditor client Side

Version 11.1, IE9,
I want to raise / decrease the value of the editor on clicking the buttons of the WebNumericEditor with
5 (int).











ig:WebNumericEditor ID="WnDstartM" runat="server" DataMode="Int" MaxDecimalPlaces="0" StyleSetName="RubberBlack" Width="40px" MaxValue="55"  MinValue="0"
<Buttons SpinButtonsDisplay ="OnRight"></Buttons>

and a smal script:
<script id="igClientScript" type="text/javascript">
function RaiseFive() { var editor = igedit_getById("WnDstartM");
var Waarde = editor.getValue() + 5;
editor.ValueInt = Waarde;}
// -->
but no response? Perhaps wrong way to SET the value???

Friendly greeting,





  • 4315
    Offline posted

    Hi, guy(s) from

    I see that you are using some wrong method names. The method name for getting the value is get_value(), with underscore. The corresponding method for setting the value is set_value() and you should pass the new value as a parameter. Also if for some reason igedit_getById("WnDstartM") is not finding the control, you can always use the global search method $find(). So the code that is working on my machine is the following:

    // var editor = igedit_getById("WnDstartM");

    var editor = $find("<%= this.WnDstartM.ClientID %>");

    var Waarde = editor.get_value() + 5;


    I hope this will help you and if you have some additional questions I will be happy to answer you.

    Best regards,

    Nikolay Alipiev


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