I am newbie to Infragistics. UltraWebGrid (Infragistics35.WebUI.UltraWebGrid.v9.1) has been used in the application and I need to Upgrade it to the latest version. As per my investigation UltraWebGrid is obsolete from v11.2.
Please let me know how to proceed on this..
If you are on version 11.1 you have no problem. The "Classic Controls" are still there you just have to create a toolbox in Visual Studio and drag them into the toolbox.
Hi Legalke,
Thanks a ton for replying.
Could you please let me know where may I find a link to download v11.1 dlls ?
Vrinda here's a link on how to do it for the Windows controls its similar to ASP controls:
To carry out mentioned steps I will need Infragistics v11.1.dlls.
Could you please provide me any reference to download trial version of Infragistics v11.1.dlls
Hi Infragistics Team,
I am already using V9.2 in my application, we need to Upgrade it to v11.1 to make it compatible with IE9. We are using UltraWebGrid and do not intend to go for re-engineering hence, I will need V11.1.
This is blocking me, please help at soonest.
Thank you,
Hey Legalke,
Thanks for the link.
But we have installed 11.1 version instead and its all working fine with IE9.
The issue is resolved.
Vrinda Davda
Here's another link that may help:
Look at the link below maybe this will help you: