I have bound this datagrid to a List<MyObject>. The myobject class implements INotifyPropertyChanged. When I edit a cell and click outside the xamgrid the propertychanged event for that property is not getting fired. It only gets fired when I click on some other cell. I need it to update explicitly when text is changed. If not atleast when i click on a button outside the datagrid. I have tried explicity setting the focus on some other control. Is there any other way i can do this. Heres how i have defined the grid.
<igGrid:XamGrid x:Name="formGroupDataGrid" Grid.Row="0" AutoGenerateColumns="False" ColumnWidth="auto" > <igGrid:XamGrid.ExpansionIndicatorSettings> <igGrid:ExpansionIndicatorSettings Style="{StaticResource ExpansionIndicatorStyl}"/> </igGrid:XamGrid.ExpansionIndicatorSettings> <igGrid:XamGrid.Columns> <igGrid:TextColumn Key="Name" HeaderText="Form group name" Width="200" IsReadOnly="False" /> <igGrid:TextColumn Key="Width" HeaderText="Width" Width="100" /> <igGrid:TextColumn Key="RowIndex" HeaderText="RowIndex" /> <igGrid:TextColumn Key="ColumnIndex" HeaderText="ColumnIndex" /> <igGrid:TemplateColumn Key="IsVisible" HeaderText="IsVisible" Width="Auto" HorizontalContentAlignment="Center" > <igGrid:TemplateColumn.ItemTemplate> <DataTemplate> <CheckBox IsChecked="{Binding IsVisible,Mode=TwoWay}" ></CheckBox> </DataTemplate> </igGrid:TemplateColumn.ItemTemplate> </igGrid:TemplateColumn> </igGrid:XamGrid.Columns> <igGrid:XamGrid.SelectionSettings> <igGrid:SelectionSettings CellClickAction="SelectRow" RowSelection="Multiple" /> </igGrid:XamGrid.SelectionSettings> <igGrid:XamGrid.RowSelectorSettings> <igGrid:RowSelectorSettings Visibility="Visible" /> </igGrid:XamGrid.RowSelectorSettings> <igGrid:XamGrid.EditingSettings> <igGrid:EditingSettings AllowEditing="Row" IsMouseActionEditingEnabled="DoubleClick" IsEnterKeyEditingEnabled="True" IsF2EditingEnabled="False" IsOnCellActiveEditingEnabled="False" /> </igGrid:XamGrid.EditingSettings> <igGrid:XamGrid.FilteringSettings> <igGrid:FilteringSettings AllowFiltering="FilterRowTop" /> </igGrid:XamGrid.FilteringSettings> </igGrid:XamGrid>
I am checking, if this is still an issue for you.
If you require any further assistance, please do not hesitate to ask.
Thnx for your reply. I don't know what the issue was. Maybe I was using it in a childwindow which was causing this issue. I resolved this using template columns instead of TextColumns. This solved the issue.