We have an application that uses a TabControl with multiple TabItems. Each TabItem contains 1 (and sometimes 2) XamGrids. These XamGrids make extensive use of Templated columns, with styles and converters.
What we have noticed is that when switching between tabs, the memory being used on the one tab is not released when moving to the next tab. Therefore the application continues to use more and more memory as the application is used.
I have managed this to some extent by, when the user selects a different tab, setting the grid's ItemesSource = Nothing, looping though the cells collection and setting the cell.Content = Nothing, and finally looping through the rows collection and DISPOSing of all rows. But even all of this doesn't fully release the memory.
What I can not do (at least I haven't figured out how) is dispose of the grids themselves because the user may come back to a previous tab and the grid needs to exist. I also cannot clear the page's resources collection because these resources are needed on the other tabs.
So my question is, is there something more I can do to manage the memory in this scenario?
We are using XamGrid version 10.3.20103.2279.
Hello jdaugherty ,
I have been investigating into your issue and the expected xamGrid’s behavior when being unloaded, is to releases the content of all cells, in order to avoid memory leaks. So as to the usage in the tab control, xamGrid doesn’t know the difference between switching the tabs and the control being remove from the application.
Since the Task manager is not very relative to the work of the Infragistics assemblies it would be helpful if you give me some additional information on that tool did you use to indicate the memory usage, and a sample project that demonstrates the issue.
I will be looking forward to hearing form you.
Developer Support Engineer
Infragistics, Inc.