Is it there any way to disable header cells hot-tracking?
Thanks in advance,
Miguel Esteban.
Hello Miguel,
I am following up to see if you are able to provide me with a sample that demonstrates the header hot tracking you have described.
Please let me know if I may be of further assistance with this matter.
Sincerely,Mike P.Developer Support EngineerInfragistics, Inc.www.infragistics.com
Thank you for the update. The SelectedRowStyle is a property of the WebCombo that can be set in the markup. Looking at the image you have provided it seems setting this property won’t give you the desired effect. When I was testing my sample I was unable to get the header to have border that changed when hovered. Can you please attach an isolated sample that demonstrates the header hot tracking you describe or the rendered markup that displays the header hot tracking visible?
Where is this SelectedRowStyle property you are talking about?
Here is an image that shows the hot track I can't disable.
I am following up to see if the sample and information provided has resolved this matter.
Thank you for your patience. I have done some research into this matter. When I run a sample with a WebCombo I am unable to see any hot tracking on the header. The cells themselves have a hot tracking/hover effect that they become highlighted when the user hovers over them. This can be disabled by setting the SelectedRowStyle. By default this se to a BackColor of Blue and a ForeColor of White. So in this case to change it so it no longer appears you would change the BackColor to white and the ForeColor to Black. I have attached a sample that demonstrates this behavior. If this isn’t the behavior you are looking for can you please describe in greater detail or provide a small sample that demonstrates the behavior you wish to change.