Is it there any way to disable header cells hot-tracking?
Thanks in advance,
Miguel Esteban.
Hello Miguel,
I am currently looking into this matter how you can disable header cell hot tracking. I am doing some research into how this can be achieved and I will give you a progress update by Thursday.
Sincerely,Mike P.Developer Support EngineerInfragistics, Inc.www.infragistics.com
Thank you for your patience. I have done some research into this matter. When I run a sample with a WebCombo I am unable to see any hot tracking on the header. The cells themselves have a hot tracking/hover effect that they become highlighted when the user hovers over them. This can be disabled by setting the SelectedRowStyle. By default this se to a BackColor of Blue and a ForeColor of White. So in this case to change it so it no longer appears you would change the BackColor to white and the ForeColor to Black. I have attached a sample that demonstrates this behavior. If this isn’t the behavior you are looking for can you please describe in greater detail or provide a small sample that demonstrates the behavior you wish to change.